Ralf and Lena

Dear Friends from Germany

Had the privilege to host our friends from Germany, once again. We have been friends for almost 25 years. It began in Germany during a visit my husband and I had to Kusel, Germany. We met these dear friends, one of which didn’t speak English. The following year they came to the U.S. to experience life in America, as interns. They returned home after a year, and we became great friends, during our visits to Germany, and their subsequent visits here. Normally, they came to visit every four years, but Covid got in the way, and it was six years until we saw them again.

During their visit a few weeks ago, where we fed them, took them hiking and laughed so much, I took portraits. The Fort Hunter Mansion never fails to please! I am hoping that it won’t be another six years before we see them again.

Our Newest Adventure

We recently returned from a work/tour trip to Portugal.  We had been there before –  TWENTY years ago.  Twenty years ago, we were in Lisbon, Portugal helping to build the Lisbon Training Center to help ABWE missionaries.

We were so excited to join our friends, the Frys, who had been 18 years in Lisbon, serving as missionaries.  We were planning to complete some projects that the LTC needed done and tour around Portugal as well.  I will tell more of our adventures in several parts, along with the work we were able to accomplish, and how the building that we helped build twenty years ago, has served the missionary field of Portugal.  We are so humbled to have been a small part of the work there.  One of the places we visited early was the walled city of O’beds.  Stay tuned for more of Portugal in the days ahead.